イラク自由会議 2011年2月23日
Anti Riot police raid the office of Iraq Freedom Congress satellite TV
(Sana) in Baghdad, and destroy all its equipment At around 2:30 am Baghdad time a group of anti riot police raided the headquarter of Iraq Freedom Congress satellite TV (Sana) in Baghdad and destroyed every single piece of equipment in the office as well as confiscating a number of documents.
These attacks occurred following broadcasting segments of events took place in Tahrir Square in Baghdad by a number of TV Channels via Sana TV who filmed and documented a particular segments in which protesters clashed with the police on the night of February 20th, 2011 and one protestor was killed as a result, as well as the active participation of Sana TV in assisting of organizing the forthcoming demonstrations in Tahrir Square.
This is the Maliki government and its repressive practices; this is the democracy and freedom of expression which Maliki's is bragging about. He continues sending his militias to silence his opponents and critics. He is no different than Ben Ali, Mubarak and Gaddafi in acts of torture.
Iraq Freedom Congress assert that it will carry on the fight and will not bow to the practices of Maliki and his mercenaries and vow that the demonstrations on February 25th, 2011 will continue the pace no matter how brutal this government practices is.
IFC pledges that it will continue organize and fight with full force in the million people march on February 25th, 2011.
Iraq Freedom Congress February 23, 2011
プレス発表 【※アラビア語から英語への機械翻訳から】
イラク自由会議 2011年2月22日
Press Release:
Governor of Salah al-Din Lying about the arrest of one of the leaders of Iraq Freedom Congress in Salah al-Din
I fell Monday night force of riot police in Tikrit area Qadisiyah to detain one of the leaders of Iraq Freedom Congress in Salah al-Din and his name (Mahmoud solid) and a member of the Executive Office of the Student Union and the Progressive Youth in Iraq. ?
The arrest came on the back of the application for approval of the Council of Salah ad Din province to organize a peaceful demonstration in the city of Tikrit, to demand the basic rights of the masses such as termination of arbitrary arrests and the closure of secret prisons and the abolition of the Terrorism Act and unemployment insurance and the provision of electricity and improve the ration card ..
After receipt of the request positively, launched in the night attack on the applicant and a number of leading the conference, but they managed to escape except the pure Mahmoud, who was placed under arrest.
That the Council of Salahuddin province, not only to compromise one of the fundamental laws of human rights, but shows the governor of Salah al-Din Al-Baghdadiya news of the arrest for lying blatantly.
The Iraq Freedom Congress condemn these shameful practices of the Council of Salahuddin province and prepared a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights and demands the release of (Mahmoud sincere) immediately.
At the same time, a provincial council and governor of Salahuddin and riot police in Salahuddin full responsibility for the safety and security (Mahmoud sincere).
The Iraq Freedom Congress will use all possible means for the release of (Mahmoud sincere).
And reaffirms that such practices and repressive tactics will not stop the march of the conference, nor liberal masses in Iraq to bring freedom and bread and security in Iraq.
Iraq Freedom Congress