IFCメディアセンター 2009年1月26日
Down with US Foreign policy, Down with Israeli Policy..... Gaza in the heart
Started on the morning of Thursday, 15/1/2009 in the city of Basra, a demonstration under the leadership of Trade Union Action Coordination Bureau in the south, which includes Federation of Oil workers, General Federation of workers councils and unions in Iraq and a number of other unions, in addition;
Federation of University professors and Iraq Freedom Congress which was one of the active participants in the rally.
The rally started at the heart of the city and headed toward the provincial government building led by the leaders of oil workers and GFWCUI. along the route
the protesters chanted slogans condemning the US policy and its unlimited support for Israel also the chants denounced the Israeli aggression on innocent civilians in Gaza. The demonstrators praised the positions of Venezuela and Bolivia on this issue ... upon the demonstrators' arrival to the government building the leaders of the rally delivered their speeches beginning with Brother Hassan Juma, President Of Trade Union Action Coordination Bureau who announced Iraqi workers' unlimited solidarity with the workers of Palestine and condemned the barbaric and savage act of Israel. Then Abdullah Abdul Hamid, delivered the statement of the Oil Workers in which he expressed the total condemnation of the Arab governments positions, which let this aggression go without standing against it.
Hirman Kadhim (secretary of IFC, Basra chapter) came third to deliver her speech in which she said:
Brothers and sisters,
On behalf of Iraq Freedom Congress, which is struggling against the occupation and its policies on various aspects I would like to welcome you warmly and assure that when we raise our voice to denounce and condemn the Israeli occupation and its crimes of killing innocent women, children, elderly and the destruction of infrastructure in Gaza, we also condemn the US neo-conservatives administration, particularly the criminal Bush, because they provided political ground for this savage and barbaric aggression by providing military, financial and moral support .... We condemn the silence of the Arab regimes that confirmed their weaknesses and proved once again their tied affiliation with U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. We also strongly condemn the Arab regimes that made it illegal for their citizens to demonstrate and express their opinion in rejecting Israeli aggression and supporting the people of Gaza.
Iraq Freedom Congress declares its position in calling for a boycott of Israeli government at all levels and provides all necessary assistance to the people of Gaza, particularly the innocent victims. Long live Gaza..... Down with the US and Israeli occupation…. Long live workers everywhere.
Abu Watan,Vice President of Trade Union Action Coordination Bureau, and GFWCUI member
Abu Watan (Vice President of trade union action coordination bureau, and GFWCUI member) was next to deliver GFWCUI statement in which he said:
Brothers and sisters
On behalf of all unions affiliated with GFWCUI, I would like to announce our unlimited solidarity with the workers of Palestine, and the innocent civilians in Gaza. We also strongly condemn the Israeli war machine targeting children, women and elderly. Those are heinous crimes and a violation of all international charters and treaties, as well as the flagrant violation of the human rights principles...
The crimes carried out today wouldn't be allowed without the support of the US administration and the weakness of the Arab regimes, who many of them are keening on maintaining ties with Israel.
The workers of Basra through, the Trade Union Action Coordination Bureau wanted to underscore this event and assure their independent decision and to break the silence on Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine and Gaza in particular.
January 16, 2009-01-26
IFC media centre