イラクの反石油法戦線・全イラク石油労組・IFCの反石油法闘争に連帯しよう !
(1) イラク民衆への連帯のメッセージ(案)
宛先:Iraq Freedom Congress
24 September
Dear friends of Anti-oil Law Front in Iraq,
I would like to express my deepest solidarity with the struggle to topplethe proposed oil law by Anti-oil Law Front.
I strongly condemn the brutal attempt of the puppet government to arrest the leaders of Anti-oil Law Front.
Let’s advance the activities to end the occupation of Iraq and works for aDemocratic, Secular and Progressive Alternative to both the US Occupationand Political Islam in Iraq.
(2) 駐日イラク大使館、駐日米国大使館・領事館への抗議文
ガーニム・アルジュマイリ駐日イラク大使 H. E. Dr. Ghanim Alwan AL-JUMAILY
Telephone: 03-5449-3231
FAX : 03-5449-7719
mail: tokemb@iraqmofamail.net
J. トーマス・シーファー駐日米国大使 Ambassador J. Thomas Schieffer
03-3224-5000 FAX: FAX: (03) 3505-1862
電話番号(代表) 06-6315-5900
住所 530-8543
ダニエル R. ラッセル総領事 Consul General Daniel R. Russel
Don't arrest oil union leaders!
24 September 2007
The Maliki government is intending to arrest the leaders of the Anti-oil LawFront, including Chairperson Subhi Albadri, Front member and President ofGeneral Union of Oil Employees in Basra Hassan Juma, Front member andSecretary of GUOE Falih Abood Imara, and others.
I condemn such a brutal attempt to repress the Iraqi people.
I sincerely request you to take all necessary measures to prevent such abrutal attempt from being implemented, including sending your report aboutthis letter to your home government.
Best Regards.
アムジャド・アル・ジョファリ イラク自由会議
Dear All,
The Iraqi minister of oil (Shehristani) has requested the Iraqi PrimeMinister Almalikito arrest the leaders of the Anti-oil Law Front (Subhi Albadri;chairperson.Hassan Juma; president of GUOE and Front member. Falih Abood Imara;secretary of GUOE and Front memberand many more) few days ago.
The spokesperson of the ministry of interior stated that they arewaiting for the government to decide whether arresting those leaders orlet them stage their intended strike on September 22, 2007 that is aimedto topple the draft oil law.
The Iraqi parliament member (Mahmood Uthman)said "I am against any protest or civil disobedience before the debatingthe draft law and declaring any protest before this debate means that there political motivations behind it".
At this point in time we need your solidarity and support more then ever.
Please circulate this letter to whoever you know, send solidaritymessages to those leaders to strengthen their moral at this criticaltime. Encourage whoever you know to send condemnation messages to theIraqi and US embassy everywhere in the world. Send this message to thecongress and let them know of the US democracy in Iraq.
The arrest of the leaders is imminent if we stay silent. Do not forget;it is you who can make difference.
Amjad Al-Jawhary
Iraq Freedom Congress
For a Democratic, Secular and Progressive Alternative to both the USOccupation
and Political Islam in Iraq